1. East Riding of Yorkshire Council have announced a Safe and Sound grant to provide additional home security measures to enable residents to feel safer in their home. To be eligible for the scheme residents must meet the following criteria.
- Aged over 60 or disabled
- In receipt of a means tested benefit
- A home owner or private sector tenant or Housing Association tenant.
If you wish to apply please contact the Clerk or a Councillor for details.
2. East Riding of Yorkshire Council, affordable housing policy.
The attached document lists the Council policies relating to Affordable Housing (Click Here)
The ERYC website can be accessed via the following link - www.eastriding.gov.uk
3. ERYC Newsletter
East Riding of Yorkshire Council have produced the attached newsletter relating to the criteria for council tax reductions (Click Here)
4. Village Emergency Plan
The parish council have updated the emergency plan and a precise of contacts is attached. (Click Here)
5. Hornsea Cottage Hospital
The hospital no longer have a minor injuries unit but still provide a range of services. More details can be found in Parish Information/ Local Services